I used to be very proud to be a Canadian. Why wouldn't I? Canada is a country that is beautiful, and generous, and is filled with polite people. It is a country that has so much to offer its citizens. It is, oops make that was once a country that had a rich history in the cultural arts....and at one time, was proud to show that off.
Canada is no longer the country that I thought it was. I am so saddened by the events that happened today. It has been announced that that CBC Radio Orchestra that is based in Vancouver (and is the last of its kind in Canada) will be disbanded at the end of this season. The reason is financial - and in my opinion, its a lame one.
This what CBC executive director, Jennifer McGuire had to say about this development,
"The commitment we're making is that our job is to find new ways to working with musical organizations out there to make sure that innovative and creative Canadian music still gets on CBC Radio."
The problem with this is, that there isn't another arts organization in this country, that performs as much Canadian music than CBC Radio Orchestra Vancouver.
Not only are they taking away Canada's ONLY Radio Orchestra, but they are slowly changing formats on CBC Radio - they are trying to make it more "mainstream listener" friendly. Gone are the programs "Northern Lights" and "Disc Drive". Shameful! If the CBC is trying to please the "mainstream" public, does this mean that in Vancouver they will play mostly Bhangra dance, and asian pop music? What about the faithful listeners who have been religiously listening to CBC Radio 2.
I have one last thing to say on this matter, and this is directed at Jennifer McGuire....
You know something, Ms McGuire - there is someone else in Canada who thinks a lot like you. His name is Stephen Harper, perhaps you should consider working for him - he also wants to get rid of the Arts in Canada. You and the Prime Minister would be an unstoppable force.
I no longer want to live in a country, that is trying to destroy its culture.