- Someone I know accidently set fire to their kitchen this morning - they will need to move away for about 2 months
- I was offered a writing gig that I would LOSE money on, had I accepted it
- It is too cold to snow - yet it is officially spring
- The owner of the company that I work for, asked this question to the person who sits next to me, "Who is Laura?" - I have worked at this place for almost 4 years - and its the second time in a week, that he has asked that question (in front of me).
- I couldn't bring myself to speak to any of my coworkers today. I tried twice, but my voice cracked each time.
- I broke my work phone, just by hanging it up - I didn't even slam down the phone.
- I made plans to go to a reading tomorrow, that I have no hope in getting to on time. That is so unlike me.
- I got caught in this city's worst hail storm-ever! Don't worry though, I am ok, just a bit dented- and ruined a very expensive pair of shoes. But I am ok.
I hope you all had a much better day, than I did.
**Picture Source-flickr
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