Sunday, March 30, 2008


When did you first realize that you were antisocial?

It may sound strange, but I just realized this about 4 1/2 minutes ago.  The reality is, that I have been this way for many many years.  I don't really feel like changing.

**Picture Source - flickr

Friday, March 28, 2008

Seeking New Citizenship

I used to be very proud to be a Canadian.  Why wouldn't I?  Canada is a country that is beautiful, and generous, and is filled with polite people.  It is a country that has so much to offer its citizens.  It is, oops make that was once a country that had a  rich history in the cultural arts....and at one time, was proud to show that off.

Canada is no longer the country that I thought it was.  I am so saddened by the events that happened today.  It has been announced that that CBC Radio Orchestra that is based in Vancouver (and is the last of its kind in Canada) will be disbanded at the end of this season.  The reason is financial - and in my opinion, its a lame one.  

This what CBC executive director, Jennifer McGuire had to say about this development, 

"The commitment we're making is that our job is to find new ways to working with musical organizations out there to make sure that innovative and creative Canadian music still gets on CBC Radio."

The problem with this is, that there isn't another arts organization in this country, that performs as much Canadian music than CBC Radio Orchestra Vancouver.   

Not only are they taking away Canada's ONLY Radio Orchestra, but they are slowly changing formats on CBC Radio - they are trying to make it more "mainstream listener" friendly.  Gone are the programs "Northern Lights" and "Disc Drive".  Shameful!  If the CBC is trying to please the "mainstream" public, does this mean that in Vancouver they will play mostly Bhangra dance, and asian pop music?  What about the faithful listeners who have been religiously listening to CBC Radio 2.

I have one last thing to say on this matter, and this is directed at Jennifer McGuire....
You know something, Ms McGuire - there is someone else in Canada who thinks a lot like you.  His name is Stephen Harper, perhaps you should consider working for him - he also wants to get rid of the Arts in Canada.  You and the Prime Minister would be an unstoppable force.

I no longer want to live in a country, that is trying to destroy its culture.  

**Picture Source - flickr

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Forward March

I don't do sequels.  I do not like watching movies that have sequels.  I will watch James Bond movies...but I don't think of them as sequels- but rather separate movies that all have the same main character, the same goes for the Pink Panther series.  All of the rest though, I have no use for.

With the exception of the Robertson Davies trilogies, the same can be said for books.  Harry Potter and his friends are not something that I need to read about for 5 or 6 books.  However this week, I read a really interesting book called "March", by Geraldine Brooks.  This book builds a story around the absentee father character from Louisa May Alcott's book "Little Women".  I suppose you can think of it as a sequel-written by a different author, as it does have a bit of the same feel as the original, and there are common characters.  The book delves into Mr March's transcendental philosophies, as well as his relationships with slaves- and his struggle to help free them.

Besides teach me about the civil war (most of which I learned from the movie Gone With the Wind), and further educate me on philosophies that are not always followed in this part of the world-this book helped me to change my opinion of sequels.  Not only was I glad to be in the head of Capt. March, but now I want to know more about why crusty Aunt March was so against him going to war, and I want to know how Mr Laurence made his money, and how John Brooks came to become Laurie's tutor - instead of doing something else.
**Picture Source- flickr

Full Moon?

Some very weird stuff has been happening today.
  • Someone I know accidently set fire to their kitchen this morning - they will need to move away for about 2 months
  • I was offered a writing gig that I would LOSE money on, had I accepted it
  • It is too cold to snow - yet it is officially spring
  • The owner of the company that I work for, asked this question to the person who sits next to me, "Who is Laura?" - I have worked at this place for almost 4 years - and its the second time in a week, that he has asked that question (in front of me).
  • I couldn't bring myself to speak to any of my coworkers today. I tried twice, but my voice cracked each time.
  • I broke my work phone, just by hanging it up - I didn't even slam down the phone.
  • I made plans to go to a reading tomorrow, that I have no hope in getting to on time. That is so unlike me.
  • I got caught in this city's worst hail storm-ever!  Don't worry though, I am ok, just a bit dented- and ruined a very expensive pair of shoes.  But I am ok.

I hope you all had a much better day, than I did.

**Picture Source-flickr

Friday, March 21, 2008

Mind Gymnastics

You will notice that a lot of writers, read a lot of books.  Why?  Because reading is good for you.  It gives your brain word nutrients, oxygen, and exercise.  Going to a library is like going to an imagination gym.  

I try to read a little bit everyday.  Sometimes, I am just too wiped out - but I do make a bit of an effort.  I have a plan to read 100 books this year.  So far I am falling way behind schedule.  I think I have finished 10 or 11, so far.

I once heard the novelist, Yann Martel say, "that for every book a person reads, a life is added to his own".  I have not remembered that quote accurately, but I think I got the gist of it.  Reading a book and sharing someone's imagination is a gift.  It enriches our lives.  It gives us moments of stillness.  Something we all need.  Our hands do not need to be busy all of the time.  We should quiet our bodies, and awaken our minds.  It's good for us.

I will update this blog, on what I am reading - and what I think of the book.  This week's selection is Girl With A Pearl Earring, by Tracy Chevalier.  I just started this book the other night, when I was sitting in a noisy sushi bar - so I have not gotten far, but it is keeping my interest.  At this stage, that is all I can ask.

What are you reading?  Let me guess.  Since there is only 2 people who know about this blog.  I am thinking one of them is reading something by John Irving - by the way Rex, he is back on the shelf - again- his books are too disturbing for me.  And I think the other one is reading Robertson Davies - hopefully its come down off the bookshelf now.

Am I right???

Good For Me Friday

I have no idea what Good Friday is about.  I have even been to mass on this day, and came away more confused than before I went. Probably didn't help that it was in latin.

Besides, I am really not interested in religious holidays so much.  I celebrate them, more for family obligations.  If I had my way there would be only a small handful of holidays.  The two major ones being Groundhog Day and my own birthday (and as a hint, every few years - it does fall on a national holiday - that being Labor Day - to narrow it down for you).

Anyway, at Z-nation I devised a plan to make Good Friday, into Good For Me Friday, and here is the list of the "Good Stuff" that I have already done and have planned for today.
  • Sleep in - I mean really sleep in.  I got almost 12 hours
  • Drink THE BEST coffee available to me.  This means 49th Parallel beans.  Starbucks is for peasants!
  • Debate with my 3 year old nephew on who is cooler - Sponge-bob or Spiderman.  I lost the debate.  Spiderman is cooler- he shoots webs out of his body.  I could not argue with that.
  • Had waffles for brunch.  I will have waffles for dinner.  I will have waffles for a snack.  I will consume nothing but waffles and coffee today.  Maybe I will eat a grapple, so I could get some form of fruit.  
  • Spend some time on the Trans Canada trail, and try and see if I can take some pictures of some deer.  I have heard a rumor that they have been spotted near the city.
  • Going to try and see if I can add to the collection of freckles on my face, by bagging a few sun-rays.  Wouldn't want those little "angel kisses" (as some boy I used to know, called them) to fade.  Freckles keep me looking young.  
  • Bake some dog biscotti (banana flavored) to bring for Charles, when I see him on Sunday. That dog is cultured. Regular dog biscuits just won't do.  If he could find a way to sip espresso, he would. 
Do you have a "Good for You" plan for this day?  

*Picture Source - flickr

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Did You Know...

Interesting Fact! - March 15th was the day that I launched the Z-Nation blog.  But did you know that March 15th is actually Z Day?  Now don't get me wrong, I am not at all associated with the Zeitgeists  - I just think it's a fabulous coincidence that my blog launched on Z Day.

Any thoughts on z day - either the zeitgeist's or z-nation.  
Please share.

**Picture Source - flickr

Saturday, March 15, 2008

I am Z

Welcome to the premier post of Z-Nation.  A blog where no topic will be deemed unsuitable for discussion.  Interested in knowing about me?  Here are 10 random things to know about a somewhat still youngish woman named Z.
  1.  I am the guitarist with mystique.  This means that I do NOT sing!
  2. This is not my first blog - I dare you to find the other 4, that are already out there.
  3. When pressed with the decision to go to the dentist or the hair salon, I will pick the dentist every single time.
  4. I love the Flintstones and Scooby-Doo cartoons (the original ones, not the spin-offs).
  5. I am able to hold a grudge for a very very long time.
  6. My very favorite drink in the entire world is Ovaltine.  Right now, I am in mourning since I am no longer eating or drinking dairy products.
  7. I always have a vase of white and pink tulips near my bed.  I can not sleep well, without them.
  8. I have no intention of ever wanting to be anyone other than who I already am.
  9. I eat eggplant at least once a week, for the simple reason that it is purple.
  10. I know a lot about nothing, which really is the important stuff, anyway.
Still feel like following along?  Right now, you are probably asking what you will get out of the experience.  And to be fair, that is a valid question.  You will read regular updates from a very witty and charming woman, who is tackling the challenges of living as an adult with lots of zing, zest, and zoopsia.  In case you are wondering, I have actually experienced zoopsia at least once.  That story will keep for another time.

I think you guys will like it here, as much as I will.

Picture source- flickr