I have no idea what Good Friday is about. I have even been to mass on this day, and came away more confused than before I went. Probably didn't help that it was in latin.
Besides, I am really not interested in religious holidays so much. I celebrate them, more for family obligations. If I had my way there would be only a small handful of holidays. The two major ones being Groundhog Day and my own birthday (and as a hint, every few years - it does fall on a national holiday - that being Labor Day - to narrow it down for you).
Anyway, at Z-nation I devised a plan to make Good Friday, into Good For Me Friday, and here is the list of the "Good Stuff" that I have already done and have planned for today.
- Sleep in - I mean really sleep in. I got almost 12 hours
- Drink THE BEST coffee available to me. This means 49th Parallel beans. Starbucks is for peasants!
- Debate with my 3 year old nephew on who is cooler - Sponge-bob or Spiderman. I lost the debate. Spiderman is cooler- he shoots webs out of his body. I could not argue with that.
- Had waffles for brunch. I will have waffles for dinner. I will have waffles for a snack. I will consume nothing but waffles and coffee today. Maybe I will eat a grapple, so I could get some form of fruit.
- Spend some time on the Trans Canada trail, and try and see if I can take some pictures of some deer. I have heard a rumor that they have been spotted near the city.
- Going to try and see if I can add to the collection of freckles on my face, by bagging a few sun-rays. Wouldn't want those little "angel kisses" (as some boy I used to know, called them) to fade. Freckles keep me looking young.
- Bake some dog biscotti (banana flavored) to bring for Charles, when I see him on Sunday. That dog is cultured. Regular dog biscuits just won't do. If he could find a way to sip espresso, he would.
Do you have a "Good for You" plan for this day?
*Picture Source - flickr
hmmmm. i like the idea of good for me friday..
it's so far ago, i can't remember what happened.
guessing it was a good for me day, though.
Glad to hear it. We should make every friday "Good For Me Friday".
I will try to come up with a plan of action.
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